Sunday, July 7, 2024

把字句 & 被字句

 Rewrite the following sentences, using 把 and 5 using 被. 

1 弟弟吃完了妈妈给他做的鱼🐟。

2 我还没看完你介绍的那个电影🎬。

3 妹妹看完了昨天我给她买的书。

4 爸爸忘了我的生日🎂。

5 他昨天没吃完大家给他的生日蛋糕。

6 王老师前天写错了一个很容易写的字。

7 我没听清楚她说的话。

8 我的室友关了厕所的灯。

9 我朋友的狗🐶吃了我没吃完的肉。

Translate the following, using 把 or 被.

1.     My roommate ate the cake I made yesterday. 


2 My classmate sold (卖) her ex-boyfriend’s car.

3 My younger brother drank the coffee I bought for my mom.

4 Wang Peng took away (拿走) the book Li You had not finished reading,

5 Her younger sister has lost (弄丢 nòng diū) the computer her teacher gave her.

练习 Exercises

1. 改写句子Rewrite the sentences

tāngmǔ bǎ zìxíngchē nòngdiū le.

(1) 汤姆把自行车弄丢了。

Xīngqīliù wǒmen xǐwán le yīfu.

(2) 星期六我们洗完了衣服。

Nà zhāng bàozhǐ kànwán le.

(3) 那张报纸看完了。

Diànnǎo ānhǎo le.

(4) 电脑安好了。

Tāmen bǎ jiǔ hēguāng le.

(5) 他们把酒喝光了。

2. 组句Form sentences with the given words

bèi yǐjīng jì chūqù le xìn

(1) 被 已经 寄出去 了 信

bèi fàng zài zhuōzi le jīntiān de bàozhǐ

(2) 被 放 在 桌子 了 今天的报纸

bèi nàběnshū ná zǒu le

(3) 被 那本书 拿 走 了

3. 根据情境,用“被”字句表达Describe according to the given information by using “被” sentence

(1) Jim zuótiān jiè Mike de zìxíngchē qí, jiēguǒ bùxiǎoxīn nòngdiū le.


Mike: Jim, Wǒ de zìxíngchē ne?


Jim :__________________。

Sunday, May 5, 2024

了解 (liǎojiě) and 理解 (lǐjiě)

The Chinese words "了解" (liǎojiě) and "理解" (lǐjiě) both relate to understanding, but they have distinct nuances and are used in different contexts.

The image contrasts two people: one casually browsing through books in a library (symbolizing "了解" or gaining superficial knowledge) and another deeply engrossed in studying a complex diagram (symbolizing "理解" or deep understanding). The environments and body language reflect the casual versus intense nature of these concepts.

了解 (liǎojiě)

"了解" primarily means to "know about" or "get to know." It focuses more on gathering information and having knowledge about something rather than deeply comprehending or empathizing with it. It is often used when talking about acquiring factual information, learning someone's situation, or knowing how something works at a surface or practical level.

Examples of 了解:


(I want to understand the background of this issue.)


(Do you know his thoughts?)


(We need to know more about the customers' needs.)

理解 (lǐjiě)

"理解," on the other hand, implies a deeper level of understanding, often involving comprehension of the reasons behind something or empathy with someone's feelings. It's about grasping the underlying principles, motives, or emotional states, rather than just the superficial details.

Examples of 理解:


(I completely understand your feelings.)


(This theory is difficult to understand.)


(I can understand her behavior now.)

In summary, while "了解" is more about acquiring information or knowledge about something, "理解" goes deeper into understanding the meaning, reasons, or emotions behind it.

The picture visually represents the concepts "了解" and "理解" through a scene divided into two parts: on the left, a person casually reading a travel magazine in a cozy living room (了解), and on the right, another person deeply engaged in analyzing a complex physics equation in a scientific study environment (理解). This illustrates the contrast in depth of engagement. Please check if you can see the image now.

练习 1:

Create your own sentences using "了解" and "理解". Focus on situations that clearly differentiate between surface-level knowledge and deep comprehension.

Prompts to get started:

Describe a situation where you learned about a friend’s hobbies (了解).

Explain a moment when you deeply understood a complicated emotional situation (理解).

练习 2:

fill in the blanks by using 了解 or 理解

1. 为了________中国文化,他想去中国留学。

2. 我完全________你的感受。

3. 旅行可以帮助我们________一个国家的风俗习惯。

4. 我真的不________他为什么这么做!

5. 我对中国历史 一点都 不 ________。

6. 要是想________一个人,我们要多跟他打交道。

7. 我在纽约生活了十年,对那里很_______。

answer key: 

1. 了解

2. 理解

3. 了解

4. 理解

5. 了解

6. 了解

7. 了解

Sunday, April 21, 2024

还" (hái) is an adverb

 The Chinese word "还" (hái) is an adverb,which often conveys meanings related to "still," "also,"  or "moreover."  For example, 

Expressing 'also' or 'too':
我也想去,我妹妹还想去。 (Wǒ yě xiǎng qù, wǒ mèimei hái xiǎng qù.) - I want to go, and my sister also wants to go.
他会说英语,还会说法语。 (Tā huì shuō Yīngyǔ, hái huì shuō Fǎyǔ.) - He can speak English and also French.

Expressing 'still' or 'yet':
他还没来。 (Tā hái méi lái.) - He hasn't come yet.
我们还在学校。 (Wǒmen hái zài xuéxiào.) - We are still at school.

还 is an adeverb, so you can not put it before a noun or a subject of the sentence.  

You can use Subj. + modal verb + verb phrase, 还 + modal verb + verb phrase. For example, 

It's more natural to use modal verb in a sentence, to provide additional information about the verb they accompany. They help to express modalities—such as ability, possibility, necessity, or obligation—each adding a layer of meaning that specifies the mood or attitude of the speaker toward the action of the verb. 

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