Monday, May 25, 2015

不但⋯,而且⋯ (bùdàn..., érqiě...)

"不但⋯⋯,而且⋯⋯" (bùdàn..., érqiě...) is a very commonly used pattern that indicates "not only, ... but also....".The structure is Subject + 不但 + Adj./Verb, 而且 + Adj./VerbThe same subject should apply to both the first part and the second part (the part after 而且).
The pattern can also be used omitting 而且, and instead using adverbs like 也 and 还 in its place. For example, 
  • 他不但会说中文,而且会说西班牙语。He can not only speak Mandarin, but can also speak Spanish.
  • 这个学生不但会说中文,而且说得非常好!Not only can this student speak Chinese, but also speaks it well.
When there is only one subject with 不但⋯⋯而且⋯⋯, the subject has to come at the beginning of the sentence, before both 不但 and 而且. When using two different subjects, however, you need to put one after 不但 and one after 而且. For example, 
  • 不但他会说中文,而且他的妹妹也会说。[不但 + Subject 1 + Adj./Verb, 而且 + Subject 2 + Adj./VerbNot only can he speak Mandarin, but his little sister can as well.
Please use  不但⋯⋯,而且⋯⋯ structure to combine the two sentences together. 
  1. 李友会做美国饭。李友也会做中国饭。
  2. 李友很漂亮。李友也很聪明。
  3. 王朋写字很好。他写字也很快。
  4. 王朋会跳舞。他的儿女也会跳舞。
  5. 王朋喜欢吃面条。他的女儿也喜欢吃面条。
  6. 王朋的女儿会唱歌。她还会跳舞。
  7. 今天的作业很少。今天的作业还很简单。
  8. 昨天的作业很多。昨天的作业也很难。
  9. 这个菜很便宜。这个菜也很好吃。
  10. 这件衣服很贵。这件衣服也很不舒服。



  • 您好!
  • 请问您贵姓?
  • 很高兴认识您!
    • 幸会!幸会!
  • 您可以给我一张名片吗?
  • 这是我的名片。
    • 我叫。。。
    • 我在XXX公司工作。我们主要做。。。我主要负责。。。
    • 我来自布法罗,我们这儿有尼亚加拉大瀑布,非常美丽。如果你来,请告诉我。
  • 希望我们以后可以有合作的机会!

  • 是吗?
  • 真的吗?
  • 太好了!
  • 你呢?
  • 我也是!
  • 嗯!很有意思!
  • 不错,不错!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Reduplication ABB structure

Adjectives are the "describing" words of a language. In Chinese there are several different forms of adjectives. Adjective reduplication is a common phenomenon in Chinese, usually used to emphasize the quality of the adjective. There are many different patterns for reduplicating adjectives, including AABB (e.g. 干干净净), ABB (e.g. 红通通) or BABA (e.g. 雪白雪白). Today, we are going to focus on the ABB structure. For example,

  1. 我想吃那香喷喷的北京烤鸭。I want a delicious Beijing roast duck. (香喷喷 xiāngpēnpēn delicious)
  2. 孩子跑完步脸蛋儿红通通的。The children had glowing cheeks after race. (红通通 hóng tōngtōng red)
  3. 眼前是一片绿油油的稻田。Before our eyes was a stretch of green paddy fields. (绿油油 lǜyóuyóu green)
  4. 他说福克斯喝得醉醺醺的时候讲演是最出色的。He says that Fox make his best speeches when he was blind drunk. (醉醺醺 zuìxūnxūn drunk)
  5. 笑眯眯说:“正是这样我才问呐。He smiled."It's why I asked." (笑眯眯 xiàomīmī smiley)

Please fill in the blanks by using the adjectives given:

  • 懒洋洋 Lǎn yángyáng lazy
  • 空荡荡 kōngdàngdàng  empty 
  • 颤巍巍 chàn wéi wēi shaky 
  • 水灵灵 shuǐling líng charming 
  • 亮晶晶 liàngjīngjīng shining 

  1. 他的眼睛_____________的,眉毛宽宽的。His eyes are dewy and his eyebrows are broad.
  2. 老太太_____________地走出屋来。The old lady came tottering out of the room.
  3. 演出结束后, 剧场里_____________的。The theatre was empty after the show.
  4. 鲍勃不想干活, _____________地倚在铁铲上。Bob, who had no intention of working, leaned lazily on his spade.
  5. 天空中点缀着_____________的星星。The sky is bespangled with stars.

  • 灰蒙蒙 huī méngméng gray
  • 冷冰冰 lěngbīngbīng cold
  • 软绵绵 ruǎnmiánmián soft
  • 乱哄哄 luànhōnghōng chaotic 
  • 静幽幽 jìng yōuyōu quiet 
  1. 教师来到之前教室里_____________的。Pandemonium reigned in the classroom until the teacher arrived.
  2. 深夜马路上_____________的,没有一点声响。The road was extremely quiet at night without any sounds. 
  3. 白雪从_____________的云层中轻轻地飘落。Snow fell gently from gray clouds. 
  4. 人人都能感到她的_____________的口气。No one could fail to sense the ice in her voice.
  5. 我在草地上躺了下来,草很短,_____________的。 I lay down on the grass, which was very short and soft.

Please enjoy the song《甜蜜蜜

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Ocean Heaven -- Part. 2

Please watch the movie: Ocean Heaven.

  1. 这么
  2. Yes/No question: ...吗? ...吧?
  3. Resultative compliment: 听, 吓
  4. 把 structure
  5. 别...

Please try to say the following sentences in Chinese.
  1. Come back so soon?
  2. Did you have fun?
  3. Are you okay?
  4. Did you bring a spare ware?
  5. Did you hear me or not?
  6. You scared me to death!
  7. Raise your hands upwards.
  8. Raise your hands well.
  9. Don't be so careless.
  10. Not at all!

  1. ________ is a kind of fish very common in China, which is every inexpensive. Pleae fried or grilled it with soy sawce or salt, ginger, and scallions.
  2. ______ is a short form for general manager? If you were an employee, and you met Mr. Li, the General Manager in your company, how would you address him when you met him in the office?
  3. ________ is still a relatively new term in China. Most regular schools in China do not admit autistic children, since there is a lack of special ed. teachers. They have to go to special public schools where they study with mentally challenged children.
Acknowledgement and References:

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Ocean Heaven -- Part. 1

Please watch the movie: Ocean Heaven.

  1. Let's... 我们...吧。
  2. A是B。
  3. Rhetorical question 
  4. 了: to show the change of state
  5. Reduplication ABB structure: 臭哄哄,木呆呆
Please try to say the following sentences in Chinese.
  1. Let's go!
  2. Let's eat!
  3. This is the newspaper in the past few days. 
  4. This dog and oil are the gifts for Dafu from Juweihui.
  5. Weren't you going to enjoy yourself a few more days?
  6. How come you returned so soon?
  7. I changed my mind. 
  8. His room is very smelly. 
  9. How come you are so dumb?

  1. In Mandarin, ________ is also used as a form of address for a married woman about one’s own age?  Why do Chinese people use kinship terms to address each other even though they are not related to each other?
  2. In China, _______ is an organization of volunteers of local retirees to serve residents, especially those in need?
  3. Most Chinese hospital are ______________ owned.
Acknowledgement and References:

来 or 去

We use 来 and 去 to describe the direction of a verb. 来 or 去. The most basic (and common) form of direction complement is formed by a verb and 来 or 去:Verb + 来 or 去The most important thing to consider with direction complements is the position of the speaker:

  • If the action moves towards the speaker or comes closer in any way, use 来. 
  • If the action moves away from the speaker or becomes more distant in any way, use 去.

 Here are some examples:

Please filling the blanks by using 来 or 去.
  1. 我 在 楼上,请 你十分钟以后上_____。 I'm on the upper floor. Please come up in ten minutes.
  2. 在树上 玩 很 危险,你 快下_____! It's too dangerous to play in the tree! Come down!
  3. 你在楼上等我一下。我一会儿就 上_____找你。I'm on the lower floor. Please come down to me.
  4. 我在楼下,你赶快 下_____吧。I'm on the lower floor. Please come down to me.
  5. 里面 人太多了,你们 出_____透透气吧。There are too many people inside there.You guys need to get out and use some fresh air.
  6. 我们 在 里面 开会, 大家都 进_____吧。We are going to have a meeting inside.Please come in here.
  7. 他们 在 外面,咱们 出_____ 跟 他们 见面。They are outside. We should go out and meet them.
  8. 他 在 办公室里 等你,你 快进_____  吧。He is waiting for you in his office.You can go in now.
  9. 你 什么时候 回_____  ? When are you coming back?
  10. 他 明天 一个人回_____  。He is going back alone tomorrow.
  11. 你 过_____  把你的东西收拾好。Come here and put away you own stuff.
  12. 我 看到 马路对面 新开了 一家 蛋糕店,就 走 过_____  了。I saw a new cake shop on the other side of the road and then I went up to it.

Monday, May 18, 2015

大概 (dàgài) and 左右 (zuǒyòu)

大概 is generally used to mean "approximately", "more or less", or "something like that". Here's an example:
  • 我大概明白你的意思。(I don't understand what you're saying completely but I get the gist.)
  • Dialogue:
    • A:你打了多少个电话? (How many phone calls did you make?)
    • B1:大概50个。(Approximately 50. The structure is 大概+number+measure word.)
    • B2:50个左右。(50 or thereabouts.The structure is number+measure word+左右.) 
Here's another example of how using 大概 and 左右 are approximately the same but have a different connotation:
  • A:你的车买了多少钱?
  • B1: 大概三十万人民币。(Around 300,000RMB.)
  • B2: 三十万人民币左右。(300,000RMB more or less.)
In this example, 大概 implies the speaker is unclear or uncertain about the amount, or perhaps they don't remember. The use of 左右 implies a greater level of accuracy or certainty on the part of the speaker but they don't care to go into greater detail. The listener could press the speaker for more detail, in which case they would follow up with a more exact number if they were able.

Please choose 大概 or 左右 to make each sentence meaningful.
  1. 他_________是个中国人。
  2. 他走路摇摇晃晃的,_________是醉了。
  3. _________知道要说些什么。
  4. 今天中午有20摄氏度_________。
  5. 他30岁_________。
  6. UB _________有3000多国际学生。
  7. 这辆车很省油,加一次油_________可以用两周。
  8. 我今天两点_________到学校。
  9. 都两点一刻了,他还没有到,_________是路上堵车。
  10. 意大利面,一般要煮9分钟_________。
Please talk about when you usually do the following daily activities.说一说你每天大概什么时候做下面的活动:

  1. 起床
  2. 洗澡
  3. 吃早饭
  4. 上班
  5. 吃午饭
  6. 下班
  7. 吃完饭
  8. 睡觉

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Two Usages of 几 (jǐ)

In this blog we are going to talk about two usages of 几 (jǐ).  

First of all,  几 (jǐ) can be used as a question word to ask about quantity with measure words. The structure is  Subject + Verb + 几 + MW + Noun? For example,

  • 你每天工作几个小时?Nǐ měitiān gōngzuò jǐ gè xiǎoshí? How many hours do you work each day?
  • 你买了几个苹果 ?Nǐ mǎile jǐ gè píngguǒ? How many apples did you buy?
In addition, 几 (jǐ) also means "several", "a couple" or "a few". It's an uncertain number that is at least more than one, but less than ten. The simplest way to use 几 (jǐ) is to use it directly with a measure word. The structure is 几 + Measure Word + Noun.   It means "a few", less than ten or so, things. For example,
  • 我去过中国几次Wǒ qùguò zhōngguó jǐ cì I have been to China several times.
  • 一个面包只要几块钱。Yīgè miànbāo zhǐyào  kuài qián. A loaf of bread  only costs a few kuai.
  • 桌子上有几十本书。Zhuōzi shàng yǒu jǐ shí běn shū. There are a few dozen books on the table. (Note that similar to how in English we can say "a few dozen" or "a couple dozen", though in this case instead of "twelves of something" we are saying "tens of something". We use the structure 几 + 十 + Measure Word + Noun"Dozens" is the closest we can get in natural English to the Chinese, which literally means "tens.")    
  • 妈妈上个星期给了我几百块钱。Māmā shàng gè xīngqí gěile wǒ jǐ bǎi kuài qián. Last week Mother gave me a couple hundred dollars. (Note that in Chinese we can put 几 (jǐ) together with 百 (bǎi), 千 (qiān), or 万 (wàn), just like how in English we might say "a few hundred" or a "few thousand". The structure is 几 + 百/千/万 + Measure Word + Noun.  

Please ask questions about the underlined parts.

1) 我的弟弟四岁
2) 今天星期二

Please rearrange the words given and make sentences:

  1. 从...到...     上海     需要    东京     几个    只    小时 (Going from Shanghai to Tokyo only takes a few hours.)
  2. 我   几杯      每天    都    咖啡      要      喝       (Every day I need to drink a few cups of coffee.).
  3. 从...到...    坐火车     上海    西藏      需要      几    小时    十    个 (Going from Shanghai to Tibet, riding a train takes dozens of hours.)
  4. 我      学   汉字    十    几    个     了   了   已经   (I've already studied a few dozen Chinese characters.)
  5. 这   几    本            字     有         万     (This books has tens of thousands of characters.)
  6. 你   中国人   认识    个       几   (How many Chinese people do you know?)
  7. 你  几   啤酒 喝    了   瓶 (How many bottles of beer did you drink?)