Sunday, August 9, 2020

计划、打算 or 准备

 计划、打算 or 准备

计划 sounds more formal, implying you have deep thought on it and well planned, maybe you have made a list for things you intend to do, and you might have detailed schedule, budget and etc.

Example: “我计划去学习” (I want to study and I have a study plan)


打算 is more colloquial or less formal. It's usually just rough idea about what you are going/wanting to do, and you might not have it well planned. 

Example我打算去学习” (I want to study, but It’s just a thought)


We tend to use 打算 in spoken when you are going to do something specific(not that complicated or important), like 我打算去逛街,我打算找个朋友聊聊天. We don't usually say 我计划找个朋友聊聊天 in this case, which sounds a bit pretentious I think.


准备 is more to describe readiness in preparation (accurate, certainty, etc)...

Example我们准备搬到美国; emphasizing the need for specific preparations for the move.


练习:计划、打算 or 准备

1.  我今天晚上要_________下个星期的早饭。

2.  新的学期开始了,我要写一个学习_________

3.  _________星期天和朋友去买东西。

4.  明天的考试,你_________好了吗?

5.  周末你要去看电影?我也有这个_________

6.  _________2021年毕业。


1 comment:

  1. 1. 我帮妈妈__________晚饭。
    2. 对不起,下个星期的工作__________,我还没有写好。下班以前发给您,可以吗?
    3. 爸爸,今天妈妈不想做饭,所以我们打算 __________ 出去吃。(hint: casual setting)
