Sunday, May 5, 2024

了解 (liǎojiě) and 理解 (lǐjiě)

The Chinese words "了解" (liǎojiě) and "理解" (lǐjiě) both relate to understanding, but they have distinct nuances and are used in different contexts.

The image contrasts two people: one casually browsing through books in a library (symbolizing "了解" or gaining superficial knowledge) and another deeply engrossed in studying a complex diagram (symbolizing "理解" or deep understanding). The environments and body language reflect the casual versus intense nature of these concepts.

了解 (liǎojiě)

"了解" primarily means to "know about" or "get to know." It focuses more on gathering information and having knowledge about something rather than deeply comprehending or empathizing with it. It is often used when talking about acquiring factual information, learning someone's situation, or knowing how something works at a surface or practical level.

Examples of 了解:


(I want to understand the background of this issue.)


(Do you know his thoughts?)


(We need to know more about the customers' needs.)

理解 (lǐjiě)

"理解," on the other hand, implies a deeper level of understanding, often involving comprehension of the reasons behind something or empathy with someone's feelings. It's about grasping the underlying principles, motives, or emotional states, rather than just the superficial details.

Examples of 理解:


(I completely understand your feelings.)


(This theory is difficult to understand.)


(I can understand her behavior now.)

In summary, while "了解" is more about acquiring information or knowledge about something, "理解" goes deeper into understanding the meaning, reasons, or emotions behind it.

The picture visually represents the concepts "了解" and "理解" through a scene divided into two parts: on the left, a person casually reading a travel magazine in a cozy living room (了解), and on the right, another person deeply engaged in analyzing a complex physics equation in a scientific study environment (理解). This illustrates the contrast in depth of engagement. Please check if you can see the image now.

练习 1:

Create your own sentences using "了解" and "理解". Focus on situations that clearly differentiate between surface-level knowledge and deep comprehension.

Prompts to get started:

Describe a situation where you learned about a friend’s hobbies (了解).

Explain a moment when you deeply understood a complicated emotional situation (理解).

练习 2:

fill in the blanks by using 了解 or 理解

1. 为了________中国文化,他想去中国留学。

2. 我完全________你的感受。

3. 旅行可以帮助我们________一个国家的风俗习惯。

4. 我真的不________他为什么这么做!

5. 我对中国历史 一点都 不 ________。

6. 要是想________一个人,我们要多跟他打交道。

7. 我在纽约生活了十年,对那里很_______。

answer key: 

1. 了解

2. 理解

3. 了解

4. 理解

5. 了解

6. 了解

7. 了解

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