Monday, March 30, 2015

Five Shades of Do: 做/办/干/搞/弄

1. 做 
e.g. 他在做饭呢。
做 means to do, to produce, to engage in. 
  • 做事要认真。
  • 我得多做运动。
  • 我在做作业呢。
  • 他做了一首诗。(做 means to write and compose in this case.
  • 晚安,做个好梦。
2. 办
e.g. 他今天出去办点儿事儿。办事(ban4 shi4)means settle something or issue. 
  • 他正在办公,请小声点儿。办公 means.doing work related to one's job position, not homework, not house work.
  • 他去办签证了。He went to get a VISA. 
  • 请您在这儿办手续。办手续 means handling the procedures,etc。
3. 干
e.g. 今天大家干得真不错。
The meaning of 干 is to do some task. It refers to the literal action of doing somethings, which is more colloquial and informal than 做。
  • 他在干活儿,不能和你玩了。
  • 你在干什么?我在干家务。
  • 他干翻译工作干了几年了?(Here 干 means to be engaged in some work or to be in charge of something, like 他干过服务员。)
4. 搞
e.g. 他搞这种工作很有经验。
搞 means to do or carry out something,如~卫生、~家务、~计划等。干 and 搞 are sometimes interchangeable,but 搞 has a wider range when referring to certain actions difficult to describe concretely, 如搞对象、搞运动等. In these cases, 搞  means "to engage in" and "to take part in" and it can not be replaced by 干.
e.g. 他朋友是搞体育工作的。
搞 means to be engaged in a certain type of work,如~生产、~艺术等。The difference between 干 and 搞 is that 干 implies taking some positions, while 搞 does not. 
e.g. 他搞到了两张足球票。
Here 搞 indicates to manage to get,如~水、~钱、~汽车等。干 has no such meaning。

5. 弄
e.g. 他家里弄得很整洁。
弄 means to do something,如~饭、~菜、~卫生等。Both 弄 and 搞 can be used to refer to actions difficult to describe concretely, but sometimes their objects are different. 弄 in ~孩子、~电器 means to take care of and repair respectively.
e.g. 他弄着了一套新房子。
Here 弄 means to manage to obtain,如~车、~票、~护照等。
e.g. 他喜欢弄花儿养鸟。
Here 弄 refers to playing with something carelessly or playing a trick,如~手段等。

  1. 我还有几件事要办/做。 办 and 做 basically carry the same meaning and they are formal.
  2. 我还有几件事要。干 is less formal than 办 and 做, but you can use it in most of the occasions.
  3. 他是计算机的。 Here this 搞 = 从事于(engaged in)computer business or industry but sometimes 搞 can express negative meanings like 他把工作搞得一团糟 he screwed his work, we usually use this as a fixed collocation: 搞得一团糟Gǎo dé yītuánzāo.
  4. 他马上就要好了,不要急。It is very casual to use 弄.
  5. 他把这个桌子坏了.  You can see "坏了" as a fixed collocation, means broke something.

Practice: Please fill the blanks by using  做, 办, 干, 搞, or 弄.
1. 他现在没有在这里______公,他去______护照(hùzhào)了。
2. 他在______什么?他在图书馆______作业。
3. 他把今天的工作______完了。
4. 我把电脑______坏了。
5. 他们两个在______对象。
6. 我______到了两张电影票。
7. 她的男朋友是______化工的。
8. 哎呀,你怎么把这里______得乱七八糟 (luàn qī bā zāo)?
9. 他肚子饿了,______了一点儿面包吃。
10. “你在______什么呢?” “我在______实验,等我______完了,我给你打电话。”


1 comment:

  1. This is what i'm looking for. Thanks for the information. 谢谢你
