- 高兴 → 高高兴兴Gāoxìng → gāo gāoxìng xìng (happy/happily)
- 开心 → 开开心心kāixīn → kāi kāixīn xīn (happy/happily)
- 热闹 → 热热闹闹rènào → rè rènào nào (lively-bustling with noise and excitement)
- 干净 → 干干净净gānjìng → gàn gānjìng jìng (clean)
- 漂亮 → 漂漂亮亮piàoliang → piào piàoliang liàng (beautiful/beautifully)
- 安静 → 安安静静ānjìng → ān ānjìng jìng (quiet/quietly)
- 健康 → 健健康康jiànkāng → jiàn jiànkāng kāng (healthy/healthily)
- 清楚 → 清清楚楚 qīngchǔ → qīng qīngchǔ chǔ (clear/clearly)
- 舒服 → 舒舒服服 Shūfú → shū shūfú fú (comfortable/comfortably)
Not all adjectives can take AABB form. Here are some examples of common adjectives that don't work in AABB form.
- 好看 → 好好看看 [wrong]
- 好吃 → 好好吃吃 [wrong]
- 麻烦 → 麻麻烦烦 [wrong]
You can use this pattern in the following structures.
First, you can use it with 的 as an attributive to modify a noun: A A B B + 的 (+ Noun) . For example,
In addition, you can use A A B B + 地 + Verb structure.
- 她总是开开心心地学习,认认真真地工作。
- 每到春节,他会回老家,和家人热热闹闹地庆祝新年。Every time when it comes to Spring Festival, he will go back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year with his family.
Please fill in the blanks by using AABB + 的 or 地 structure:
- 我_____________看到他跟一个男人上车了。I clearly saw him get in the car with a fat man.
- 他_____________睡了个午睡。He took a nap comfortably.
- 希望你_____________过好每一天。I hope you can spend every day happily.
- 他的字总是_____________。His writing is always beautiful.
- 你可以_____________再说一次吗?Can you speak clearly one more time?
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