Monday, July 13, 2015

Ocean Heaven -- Part. 7
Please watch the movie: Ocean Heaven.

  1. 没有 + 一 + measure word: exclusively all
  2. 值得+verb
  3. verb 不 verb
  4. 能 verb 的,我都 verb 了
  5. 嫌 + something + adj.
Idiomatic expression
Please try to say the following sentences in Chinese.
  1. None of the Care Center will accept Dafu.
  2. There is no one at school this morning. 
  3. I have no money with me.
  4. She thinks Laowang is a good man worth marrying.
  5. This book is worth reading. 
  6. Hello, is this CI or not?
  7. I was wondering whether you would accept students who wants to learn Chinese.
  8. I have asked everywhere I can ask.
  9. I have searched everywhere I can look for. 
  10. The orphanage dislikes that he is too old. 
  11. The nursing home dislikes that he is too young.
  12. Can the insurance companies be responsible for this or not?
  13. Even if we say in the worst-case scenario...
  14. You need to get married in a couple of years. 
  15. I have a few things I need to entrust you with. 
  1. The age requirement for someone to live at a nurturing home in China is the same as the retirement age, which is ______ for male and _____ for female.
  2. In Chinese, "to get married" is said two ways depending on the gender of the person getting married. For women, we use the character 嫁.  The left side is the _____ radical, meaning female and the right side of 嫁 is _____ , which means _________. Thus, 嫁 indicates that a woman with go to her husband's family. For a man, we use another character _____. On the top, 取 means "to receive, to take", and the bottom part, 女 means female. The combination of 取 and 女 shows that the man will receive the woman into his family.
  3. ______ comes from the Buddhist concept of Yama (King of Hell). In Buddhist mythology, he is a wrathful god, said to judge the dead and preside over the Hells and the cycle of rebirth. 

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